Poland, Lublin, Szczerbowskiego 5/1

tel. +48 81 532 53 65


e-mail: wdowiakartur@gmail.com

Project partner


DIAGNOSTYKA - Laboratoria Medyczne - Reklama

DIAGNOSTYKA - Bank Komórek Macierzystych - Reklama





  • dr hab. n. med. Artur Wdowiak — prezes
  • dr n. med. Magdalena Lewicka — wiceprezes
  • dr n. med. Dorota Robak-Chołubekwiceprezes
  • dr n. o zdr. Magdalena Sulimasekretarz
  • lek. Michał Filipskarbnik

Dr. Artur Wdowiak

Dr Artur WdowiakDr. Artur Wdowiak is an Associate Professor and Head of Diagnostic Techniques Unit at the Medical University of Lublin, Poland. He received his Ph.D from Medical University of Lublin in 1996. Since 2013 he is the president of International Scientific Association for the Support and Development of Medical Technologies.

Dr. Artur research interests includes Problems of gynecology and obstetrics: male and female infertility, importance of environmental factors within the scope of problems and concerning human reproduction, use of the latest technologies in the IVF procedure.

Dr. Artur is also a Principal investigator: Project started in 2013: Retrospective analysis of changes of semen parameters in Poland and the Ukraine within the last decade, financed by the International Scientific Association for the Support and Development of Medical Technologies.